Creators Update

Fountain, BibTeX, Citation Preview & Export, and so much more.

Stability And Improvements

WordPress got a huge update with Featured Image. In the YAML, just add cover-image or featured-image to the frontmatter.

Blogging the Next Generation

We revamped our Publishing Window and Export Options yet again. This time, to allow for publishing to online blog services. In the preferences, you’ll find a Connections tab that’ll show our currently supported services.

Improved Search, Focus Mode, Hide the Toolbar, and Fixes

We were a bit eager with the last release. We fixed crashes in the Library Search and now sort by the number of occurrences of the search in each document. There’s an essay of changes if you’re willing to read them.

Export & Import Enhanced

Export Themes and Paper options are here! Customize the Preview CSS, ePub CSS, and PDF CSS.

Luminance & Usability

We’ve launch a themes site, themes editor, and started work on sharing our components.

Tooling for Writers

Identifying Passive Voice, hard to read sentences, and more, write-good is now available.

Accessibility And Touch-Ups

We understand some users use Accessible GTK themes. By default, ThiefMD will now use the user’s GTK theme, and have “Match UI to Editor Theme” toggle the Window Decoration coloring.

Quick Fixes In Out of Box Experience

Whoops. Fixing some bugs found in testing for starting from an empty library.

Share Your Great Work

Pandoc export is here. ePub ✅, docx ✅, pdf ✅. TODO: Get your words on the page.

Library Organization and Export Take 2

Library Organization and Export. More blogging improvements, and more.

Editor Theme Support

Added support for changing themes.

Polishing the Preview

Adding some additional “markdown” functionality to the preview, like Syntax Highlighting and more…

Library Organization and Blogging Take 1

This release focuses on blogging. We added some new UI features and better Library management tools.

Welcome to ThiefMD 0.0.3!

We’re pretty close to usable. Basic Library and Sheet Management are here!